70% of all business transformations fail 

New Port Partners principals have turned around multiple NASDAQ listed companies creating over $6B dollars in incremental shareholder value

Historically an investment in New Port Partners returns over 500% for our clients in the first year! How many of your investments yield these results?

Let us help you succeed 

We're not your traditional consulting firm. Experience fast-paced, collaborative engagements led by industry veterans. We work alongside your team to design an actionable blueprint for business transformation and offer support and counsel at every step.

At New Port Partners, we stand out by specializing, not generalizing. We focus on what we do best, to help you do better for long-term success.

New Port Partners:
A Differentiated Experience

New Port Partners Value Proposition vs. Traditional Consultants and Bankers

Meet the Team

Dan Mondor

Managing Director & Co-founder

Dan has extensive C-Suite experience, having served as Executive Chairman, CEO, and President of global public and private equity companies. Dan is a business transformation expert known for developing winning business strategies and dramatically increasing shareholder value.

Robert Barbieri

Managing Director & Co-founder

Bob is a highly successful CFO with extensive C-Suite experience in transforming underperforming organizations into quality companies. Bob has in- depth expertise in finance, business analytics, global M&A and capital raising and a track record of achieving growth, profitability and increasing shareholder value.

Doug Kahn

Managing Director & Co-founder

Doug has over 30 years hands-on industry leadership experience in Operations, Engineering, Customer Support and IT.  He has held positions of increasing responsibility through EVP and C-Suite level in large multi-nationals, small companies, startups and private equity.


New Port Partners focuses on companies with profiles that directly align with our business transformation experience

  • Listed public companies

  • Private equity portfolio companies

  • Privately-held firms

  • VC backed late-stage startups

We differentiate ourselves by NOT being all things to all people

Our Services

Public Mid-Market and Privately-Held Company Services

Performance Improvement/Business Transformation Advisory Services - Improve the financial and operational performance of companies that are underperforming, in crisis, or healthy with underperforming divisions through advisory services (current state analysis, future state design, gap analysis, recommendations, implementation guidance, and support). Identify opportunities to deploy AI tools to drive business performance improvement, reduce costs and improve customer service levels.

Interim CXO - CEO, CFO and COO expertise who can “parachute in” to fill a C-Suite void until a permanent executive is hired.

Crisis Management - Help navigate companies through crises, challenging business or economic environments.

Strategic Assessment - Provide unbiased company valuation under multiple scenarios and recommend action plan

Pre-IPO Preparation & Support - Assist leadership team in pre-IPO planning and provide guidance through IPO process.

Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence and Acquisition Support - Leverage industry expertise and turnaround experience to quickly identify and understand potential deal breakers, value drivers and other areas of specific interest to firms. Services include Financial Due Diligence, Operational Due Diligence, Commercial Due Diligence, Technical Due Diligence.

Post-Acquisition Performance Improvement Services - Assist investors in delivering a measurable and sustainable impact to both the top and bottom lines. Services include Sales & Marketing Optimization, Supply Chain Operations, Back-office (IT, CRM, and ERP) Integration and Execution, Technology and Product Roadmap Alignment, Interim Management, and End-End Operational Improvement. 

Exit Support - Assist the process of selling a complete portfolio company, or carving out a division or business unit, Exit Planning and Execution, Carve-Out / Divestiture Advisory, Corporate Finance, Pre-Exit Operations Advisory.  


I was the lead board member who recruited Dan to take over as CEO of NASDAQ global tech company. His immediate challenge was to address numerous financial and operational challenges. Under Dan’s leadership the company was restructured and reorganized for cost efficiency, he top-graded the senior executive team, developed a strategic plan to target investment in products and go to market. Additionally, the company was re-capitalized through a successful private placement, issuance of a new convertible bond, divesting a non-strategic operation to raise cash, and eliminated all bank debt. Dan methodically transformed the company resulting in a $2B+ increase in shareholder value and common shares reached a 20-year high during his tenure.
Robert Pons, Board of Directors, Marpai (NASDAQ: MRAI)

I joined the board of a NASDAQ listed global technology company when Dan was CEO. Early in his tenure the 2007-2009 global economic crisis caused a significant reduction in revenue due to customers’ capex pullback. In response, he took immediate action by balancing cost reductions with targeted investments to ensure the company would emerge from the downturn with a competitive edge. Post recession, the company posted 11 consecutive profitable quarters and generated strong free cash flow for the first time in the company’s history. The company ranked #1 or #2 in their peer group for revenue growth, profitability, return on equity and return on assets. Shareholder value increased 250% and common shares reached a 10-year high during his tenure.
Dilip Singh, Executive Chairman and Founder, Matellio Corporation

I have hired Doug 4 separate times into 4 separate companies.  In each instance, he has worked collaboratively with the global incumbent team, quickly and thoroughly identified and assessed areas where performance improvement was needed, developed an action plan and executed.  He is customer and results oriented, data driven and engages his team to achieve the highest levels of operational performance.  
Tom Tiernan, CEO, Operating Partner, Board Member

We brought Doug on board to lead Operations and Customer Support at a high-growth, Silicon Valley Enterprise hardware & software late-stage startup.  His focus was to ensure scalability to support the planned rapid growth, and to prepare the organization for IPO.  Doug defined the strategic direction and led his team through a profound transition that resulted in best-in-class supply chain delivery performance, cost optimization and product quality, along with Customer Support scalability through automation, self-service tools and product quality improvements. He is an outstanding driver of change and mentor to his team. 
Ian Halifax, CFO, SUSE

I’ve known Bob for 25+ years and worked closely with him while I was SVP, Corporate Development and Treasurer at Lawson Software.  Bob truly is multi-talented.  While officially CFO, he was really a strategic partner to the CEO and the board and was responsible for many non-financial areas at Lawson including investor relations, customer service, IT and information systems, R&D, strategic partnerships and Mergers and Acquisitions.  He has a unique combination of strategic experience and practical financial/operations knowledge that allows him to provide critical perspective towards improving operations at the largest companies while understanding the key steps necessary to scale smaller organizations into world class businesses.  Bob has also provided that skill set and experience to board of director roles and his advisory/consulting practice.
David Kercher, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Sasqua Fields Group

Select Business Transformation Achievements

Company A

Distressed NASDAQ listed company struggling to make payroll, poor morale, directionless, failed M&A transaction, single customer, single product, ignored by Wall Street


  • Transformed hardware product company into a global wireless device-to-cloud SaaS company. $220M new product revenue in 24 months.

  • Recruited new senior management team from leading global companies, refreshed board of directors, attracted new investors

  • Raised $150M in new capital from a Private Placement (PIPE), issued new convertible bond and eliminated all bank debt 

  • Successfully divested nonstrategic operations to strengthen balance sheet

  • Raised profile on Wall Street through extensive non-deal roadshows (NDR) and investor interest via multiple appearances on Mad Money, Fast Money and Fox Business  


  • Increased shareholder value from $50M to $2B

  • Shares reached a 20-year high

  • Daily trading volume increased 20x from ~ 50k shares to > 1M

  • Doubled analyst coverage

  • Achieved industry thought leadership status

Company B

NASDAQ listed company consistently unprofitable, lacked strategy, legacy products, small TAM, underperforming sales force


  • Implemented new strategic plan to transform the company

  • Launched new products from a legacy video-on-demand supplier into an IP video content delivery and SaaS data analytics company 

  • Strengthened go-to-market teams in NA, EMEA and APAC; Signed 1st contract in China with Tier 1 cable operator

  • Navigated 2007-2009 global recession and 30% revenue contraction via surgical cost cutting

  • Recruited new management team and strengthened Board 


  • Delivered 11 consecutive profitable quarters for the first time in company history

  • The company ranked #1 or #2 in peer group for profitability, revenue growth, return on equity and return on assets 

  • Increased shareholder value by 250%

  • Shares reached a 10-year high

Company C

Private, founder-led software and services company lacking professional processes and scalability to compete against larger global companies.


  • Utilized IPO readiness to transform and upgrade all essential business management processes

  • Aligned functional teams’ activities and KPIs around key strategic targets

  • Developed vertical go-to-market strategy to capture market share against larger horizontal competitive strategies

  • Targeted and integrated multiple acquisitions to build out product offerings


  • Company valuation improved from less than $500M to over $3B

  • EBITDA margin improved from low single digits to 20%

  • Professionalized and scaled to a global top 5 public business management software company

  • Achieved “unicorn” status with global IPO

  • Consistently profitable with very strong balance sheet

Company D

NASDAQ listed global product and services company, challenged with low-profit, high-risk overseas business units.


  • Performed detailed strategic business analysis of all operating units

  • Led turnaround efforts in the various units to drive toward improved results

  • Business units no longer strategic or able to achieve acceptable cash flow and profitability were rationalized, sold off or shut down

  • Installed advanced financial analysis tools that drove improved performance and accountability

  • Financially restructured company with improved liquidity, capital availability and investor relations


  • Increased lines of credit and equity value by over $300M

  • Eliminated over $250M in annualized costs from low-performing business areas dramatically increasing profitability

  • Stabilized and focused the company around core long-term strategic businesses

  • Significantly reduced operational and financial risk

  • Rebuilt executive staff around executing revised long-term strategy

  • Company honored in Fortune magazine as “Top 100 companies to work for”

Company E

NASDAQ listed company with uncompetitive supply chain service levels and antiquated IT infrastructure


  • Transitioned from one low-performing factory in China to two tier 1 contract manufacturers in Taiwan and Mexico

  • Dual & triple-sourced component material where possible

  • Instituted Sales & Operations Planning process

  • Consolidated multiple legacy, unsupported IT systems across 12 legal entities to a common state-of-the-art CRM & ERP backbone

  • Instituted a cybersecurity roadmap and employee training program


On time delivery performance

BEFORE 17% >> AFTER 99.9%

Contract manufacturer mark up

BEFORE 22% >> AFTER 4%

Product returns (RMA)

BEFORE >20% >> AFTER >1%

Company F

Late-stage enterprise startup without a scalable supply chain or customer support


  • Built and scaled Global Operations and Customer Support team through rapid growth and NASDAQ IPO

  • Restructured and transitioned supply chain to tier 1 contract manufacturer and component suppliers

  • Instituted Sales & Operations Planning process

  • Restructured customer support team to enable scalability through automation, self-service tools and product quality improvements


  • Order lead time 1-2 days

  • On-time delivery reliably 100%

  • Clean order rate reliably 100%

  • Customer satisfaction consistently above 90%, best-in-class scores among all relevant competitors

  • Supply chain scalability & flexibility enabled end-of-quarter order surges

Company G

Mature enterprise AV company with multi-quarter history of negative EBITDA and burning cash


  • Fast paced strategic assessment

  • Conducted detailed, fact-based SWOT analysis to evaluate industry, market, competitive environment and client opportunities

  • Benchmarked comparables and quantified current and potential valuation

  • Evaluated several strategic scenarios including fix, sell & exit and recommended most optimal direction for shareholders


  • 3-week engagement start to finish

  • SWOT identified clear areas of focus

  • Benchmarking included all relevant public companies and recent M&A transactions

  • Recommendation included quick win action plan and longer term playbook to significantly improve valuation